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The upside of hanging upside down.

My new favorite obsession is hanging upside down at the OM FACTORY's Anti-Gravity Yoga class. It just feels so delicious and nutritious. The activity brings space between my vertibrae relieving low back pain and adds inches (no need for heels). I'm obviously on to something as Pink who has a gymnast past showed us how far you can take this talent at the Grammy's last night. I tuned in just in time to see her aerial performance and was astonished by her ability to sing simultaneously. I'm still mastering how to breathe while hanging from the 9 foot fabric.
If you live in nyc and would like to try it out join us for a mere $17 at:

265 West 37th Street @ 8th Avenue
17th Floor NYC
212 616-8662

My favorite teacher is Shelly Bomb who has a very colorful dance background. For more info on her

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