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100th post

Happy 100th post. I feel the pressure for this to be uber dishy...but no I have been a bit quiet as I was bringing it to MDI in Maine. Northeast Harbor is one of my favorite spots in the land and every august I try to spend as much time possible there. This year had no lack of relaxation/excitment/family time/socialness. I was lucky to have a dear and artistically talented friend Dean Barger lend me his charmingly adorable cottage for a week. His talent lies in decorative finishes for the home and it was such a treat to live in his own created world. His use of color is so good you may think he's gay but he's not-sorry ladies he's happily married and awaiting his first super child. The brown painted on the floors he has coined 'merde fume' aka 'smoked shit'. He's brought his talent to countless houses of society-hello the pink walls in the infamous Rockefeller Garden are thanks to him. Every inch of the house has been loved, coddled and molded into a cozy getaway. Art is ecclectic, the mix is mid century with shabby chic and dash of british masculine. While I was there I sampled hand made fresh from the oven flax bread by Jim Robinson, hosted a cozy lunch on the back porch for my grandparents, and slept like a baby.

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