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Les Salonierres at Flatiron Loft

Artist and the most fashionable hostess Christina Casey

Uber talented and stylish photographer Ventiko

Organized and crafted by Adam Aleksander and Jenny Miller of Les Salonnieres the private underground supper club. In New York it's all about life on the DL-hitting a public restaurant is so common but a private event with creative programming that promotes artists hits the spot.
Photo installation by Ventiko was built to provoke discourse around identity, creation, deconstruction, and creative ownership-she encouraged guests to take a piece home.
The beautiful hostess with style Christina wore a vintage inspired outfit and a few birds in the bee hive inspired do.
A handcrafted 5 course meal with paired dance performances sent guests into a sublime state of bliss.
An oyster shucking demonstration by the lovely Cathy Erway who wrote 'The Art of Eating In'.
Amazing performance art by Wendell Cooper that made me aspire to make performance art-that's a first. Can't wait to get the videos to show you.

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